--- eduGAIN/https%3A%2F%2Frepo.clarino.uib.no%2Fshibboleth%2Fsp.xml +++ CLARIN IdP/https%3A%2F%2Frepo.clarino.uib.no%2Fshibboleth%2Fsp.xml @@ -1,30 +1,53 @@ - - https://www.aai.dfn.de/teilnahme/ - https://www.aai.dfn.de/en/join/ - http://www.geant.net/uri/dataprotection-code-of-conduct/v1 + + http://refeds.org/category/research-and-scholarship + + http://clarin.eu/category/clarin-member + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + - + + CLARINO Bergen Repository + CLARINO Bergen Repository CLARINO Bergen Langzeitarchiv - CLARINO Bergen Repository + CLARINO Bergen Arkistoon + The CLARINO Bergen Repository for language resources at the University of Bergen + Norsk forskningsinfrastruktur for språkdata og tjenester, knyttet til CLARIN-initiativet. Norwegische Forschungsinfrastruktur für Sprachdaten und Dienste im Rahmen der CLARIN-Initiative. - The CLARINO Bergen Repository for language resources at the University of Bergen + Norja tutkimusinfrastruktuurin kielen tietojen ja palvelujen, jotka liittyvät CLARIN aloitetta. https://repo.clarino.uib.no/xmlui/page/about + https://repo.clarino.uib.no/xmlui/privacypolicy.html https://clarino.uib.no/images/clarino_duo-180.png - https://repo.clarino.uib.no/xmlui/privacypolicy.html + https://clarino.uib.no/images/clarino_duo-296.png + https://clarino.uib.no/images/clarino_duo-460.png + https://clarino.uib.no/images/clarino_duo-740.png @@ -35,55 +58,78 @@ MIIDADCCAeigAwIBAgIJAP5/Ri7rxa/LMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBBQUAMB4xHDAaBgNV BAMTE3JlcG8uY2xhcmluby51aWIubm8wHhcNMTQxMjE4MDkwNTE1WhcNMjQxMjE1 MDkwNTE1WjAeMRwwGgYDVQQDExNyZXBvLmNsYXJpbm8udWliLm5vMIIBIjANBgkq hkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEA2OVEwzYCig35Ii37Buky/t7KWlNUEkGP E2WbfBiSPM2Iw+FIYGrpZ8KIt6qloN19vKwy8m53Asbba477R8CEx0zNQEHPfq35 vPDxDj2xLN+xvRuk6s6KbZ2eKvV6Vov2vDtOt7kw8gDFUOJd+SdOe+ROdiuV/DbO jpwsW68GdDpLWHmKSqXqk8fwCdoc0Imwic5sSfc2LPjAqu95aIb7CiAh8sOg26XK ik6Fjibj48l3aVxtIMGJf30JtS1SqnKgqmQoO6opBGnaCF4huNa44JYUSF5CQZ3c 4nRxupv2tp696H7lLH3XOI81dsrAVXEwt1q2D8FzNlT+U0AeFaRhbwIDAQABo0Ew PzAeBgNVHREEFzAVghNyZXBvLmNsYXJpbm8udWliLm5vMB0GA1UdDgQWBBQaN4I1 A6h9Jlo90nhGCWfw3EpT4jANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQUFAAOCAQEADsJ1zgUqZqgnq4gU z/z3N+5bieEYEZUJnaQ78a3erdYYLETE/PBrN0QUIGR3M2DhjCi0s00QuVFa1JqX IK3dR4ndo5Yv4hV/fVhDIZ4mVIUQPBcTRk1om9/gl1fdmRD+YpvhUSzvheLRBsQO yz2syxGRIPwu6LexWb8YbZtcvtWU4ZGwm91KXDerV8J05m4X5rv4HZi0MAS349Vz tNRgm6CrMBfiQUxQw5Gqsiuyf3rpzQLslEWEmP4AuoiUvlXiWqW+fDKhDhj2vlc8 0jOCrQaG00xvCbXSg91K+Xxj1kXjArfX4R7aB1TquBqLoFbPo0lNooYBECv+bN2q rYzidg== + + + + + + + + + + + + - - - - urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:nameid-format:transient + + + CLARINO Bergen Repository + CLARINO Bergen Repository CLARINO Bergen Langzeitarchiv - CLARINO Bergen Repository + CLARINO Bergen Arkistoon + Norwegian research infrastructure for language data and services, linked to the CLARIN initiative. + Norsk forskningsinfrastruktur for språkdata og tjenester, knyttet til CLARIN-initiativet. Norwegische Forschungsinfrastruktur für Sprachdaten und Dienste im Rahmen der CLARIN-Initiative. - The CLARINO Bergen Repository for language resources at the University of Bergen + Norja tutkimusinfrastruktuurin kielen tietojen ja palvelujen, jotka liittyvät CLARIN aloitetta. + + + + + + - - - + + + + + + + + + + - - - - - e459 - e459 - CLARIN ERIC - CLARIN ERIC - http://clarin.eu - http://clarin.eu + Universitetet i Bergen + University of Bergen + Universitetet i Bergen + University of Bergen + http://www.uib.no + http://www.uib.no - - Koenraad - de Smedt - mailto:clarino@uib.no + + Oyvind Liland + Gjesdal + mailto:oyvind.gjesdal@uib.no Hemed Al Ruwehy mailto:hemed.ruwehy@uib.no - - Oyvind Liland - Gjesdal - mailto:oyvind.gjesdal@uib.no + + Koenraad + de Smedt + mailto:clarino@uib.no